Tragically, Macy was taken away from us when she was mauled to death.
The aim of Macy’s law is to propose an amendment to the Dangerous Dog Act 1871. The purpose of this amendment is to make dog owners more responsible and accountable which could lead to the reduction in the number of attacks happening in this country every single day.
We are in the process of registering a petition to the Government and would welcome your support. Website to be updated soon.
The purpose of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 is to protect others from out of control dogs. There are many of us that disagree that it “hits the mark”. Many petitions have been brought to the attention of the government but failed. The reason is that petitions suggested will not increase public safety or go anyway to reducing the number of dog attacks (on other animals or people).
To reduce the number of dog attacks, we need to discourage bad owners from owning pets in the first place- particularly large dogs that cause greater damage. It is not only large dogs that attack- but, the larger the dog the potential greater damage. Like in the case of [Macy / Ryhope].
By adding a “sliding scale” to the offence at section 4- increasing penalties for damage caused to a person / their property by heavier dogs (a) over 55 Kgs’; b) under 55Kg; and c) under 35Kg)- the Government would: a) “ensure people and other owned pets are afforded greater protection; b) increasing the public’s safety- by making people think more carefully about the size of pet that they can control; and c) reducing the risks of dog attacks.
This seems a fair system to operate. It’s not the breed- its the owner!
Macy’s Law
Macy, our beloved family pet. She was tragically taken away from us when she was mauled by 2 large unaccompanied dogs in a residential public area while being walked on a lead. She died 6 days later of her injuries.
The aim of Macy’s Law is to propose an amendment to the Dangerous Dog Act 1871, to make dog owners more responsible and accountable which could lead to the reduction of the number of attacks happening in this country every single day.
Click Here to read about the act we are trying to amend.
Get in touch
We welcome you contacting us with details of your personal experiences, advice and suggestions – Thank you